About the Paperhorns

Why are the Paperhorns called the Paperhorns? 

The Paperhorns are a special type of unicorn... these magical little ones started life out on paper! They began as illustrations and papercuts. They wanted their own special name, and that’s where Paperhorn was born! The name stuck, and after they evolved into their clay collectible form, it would have been rude to change it!

Their clay incarnation happened in a very bizarre way, almost kismet! I was packing away all my gear for Christmas, and pulled out a box of clay quite by accident! I thought to myself, I really need to make something out of this because it was such a waste of money! I shoved it back in the box, packed everything else away, and then forgot all about it... Once all the Christmas festivities were over, I went to Bristol with my partner and whilst there I took a wander around The Range ( a shop here in the UK for any international readers) .. I was perusing the fun paper and stationary supplies when Kev asked me what something was... I turn around and he was holding a glittery block of fimo clay! The second time I see clay in the one week period!! I mused if I could turn a paperhorn into a clay paperhorn.. and with his encouragement I decided to do just that, and I made the very first clay Paperhorn on New Years Eve!


About Canea Chrysalis

....(or the mother of paperhorns as my customers wanted to call me)

My name is actually Christiana and I work from home in Greater London, in the UK assisted with my furry orange shiba and talking pet budgie! 

I have always been very creative, from a child when I used to draw Disney characters or making clothes for my Barbies (badly - sewing was never my strong point!) but I took a creative break for a good few years to study IT, and then work in the property development industry for 12 years. 

I started to get a creative itch again when something in me just never could get fully fufilled and happy.. I found I only satisfied that once I began to dabble. As a self confessed glitter fiend, with a love of ALL things iridescent and holographic, I began by adding Swarovski crystals to my trainers... from there I began adding them to canvasses i drew.. again I moved onto papercutting which I did for quite a while. I specialised in papercut portraits, which involved individually cutting separate layers of paper by hand to reform the original portraits. I loved doing this, but it took its toll on my wrists. I loved producing the portraits for everyone, but it wasn’t enough for my imagination... I couldn’t really use that to go and embellish peoples personal photos with a unicorn horn or a bit of crazy hair!! This is how the paperhorns came along... I began drawing my favourite things to draw.. unicorns... and the rest is history as they say!

If I am not making, you can find me walking my orange, hanging out with a very large Greek family, shopping, going to the cinema or eating something yum! I love iced coffee, vodka pasta and trips to New York! 

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this, and for your ongoing love and support! 

Christiana Xx 

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